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Alan Watts: Pedestalizing Jesus Christ (Strangling the Gospel at Birth)

"But you see what happens. If you pedestalize Jesus, you strangle the Gospel at birth." -- Alan Watts

The problem with attempting to reach personal divination while simultaneously exposing all of the various control systems and authorities which stand at the proverbial water gates of divinity is that just about every single attempt has been made to stop me. To protect the secret and maintain control over sovereign freedom, peace, and truth, each and every one of us has been deceived and tricked to keep us at war with one another. Even previous presidents warned us that these systems would eventually attempt to purchase the gates to a kingdom which is rightfully ours—without having sell ourselves or our souls to do so.

Even Jesus did his best to proclaim these secrets to the people. Unfortunately, after he died, many of his messages were mistranslated or taught in a way that made it seem as if he was the only human being who was capable of ascending to a higher state of consciousness. This, of course, was one of the greatest lies ever told (sold) to the population of the planet. Jesus was “pedestalized” in such a way that turned him into an idol of worship.

By doing so, authority systems armored with inaccurate translations, were successful in creating a Theta-stream consciousness full of limitations on every believer. As a result, followers of Christ worshipped a golden calf (body) instead of the internal light being which exists inside each and every one of us. Jesus himself was a messenger, a body which had been attuned to a vibratory frequency that he confidently called “The Father.” Though an incredible teacher and striver of truth, his singular incarnation is merely the vehicle that won a great race 2000 years ago. As any of us know, when someone wins the race, we always celebrate the driver, not the vehicle.

Now, what happened? The apostles did not quite get the point. They were awed by the miracles of Jesus, they worshiped him as people do worship gurus, and you know to what lengths that can go, if you’ve been around guru land. So the Christians said, “Okay, okay, Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God. But let it stop right there! Nobody else.” So what happened was that Jesus was pedestalized. He was put in a position that was safely upstairs, so that his troubles and experience of cosmic consciousness would not come and cause other people to be a nuisance. Those who had this experience, and expressed it during those times when the church had political power, were almost invariably persecuted. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake. John Scotus Eriugena was excommunicated. Meister Eckehart’s theses were condemned, and so on and so on. A few mystics got away with it, because they used cautious language. -- Alan Watts

Jesus, like many other prophets from various religions, conveyed messages, stories, and patterns which were intended to lead us to independence away from rules, instructions, or any other manmade authority systems. These prophets were well aware of man's fallibility, and so they were quite careful not to fully claim a designation in the physical body which they could not claim any longer than they felt the “sprit” was with/in them at the time of communication.

Existing in a place where we are the Light, Truth, and Way is not a question of “who” Instead, it is more of a question of “how long” we can remain consciously in that state of awareness or locus of consciousness. The longer we are able to remain in this conscious state, the more truth we can “pull” across the ultraviolet veil of physical consciousness, inspiring development in the physical senses, enough to activate our clair-essence. However, if we believe in any system which fragments our attention or otherwise causes us to place favor, then we will not be able to elevate ourselves to a position of vibrational authority.

When we are unable to establish a personal authority with our intuitive connection to the collective unconscious (Christ/God/Krishna/Cosmic Consciousness), then we can easily be convinced that another manmade authority can intercede. This, of course, is a false belief which creates a perpetual system of karmic debt. When this occurs, we are no longer capable of entertaining truths which would reveal these false authority systems. Anything external which we are dependent upon then has the power to control our thoughts and feelings. If we feel dependent on political systems or military authority, then we will feel fearful if presented with truths which would otherwise remove their power.

"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." -- Giordano Bruno.

For this reason, we have to recognize that there is nothing in the physical reality which could ever restrict our access or otherwise approve of our personal divination—except our personal free will. Even though this realization may come as a shock, the good news is that we no longer are subject to any other authority than our own. At first, however, withdrawing from a belief system (false or not) comes with its own withdrawal pains. This doesn't mean that Jesus or any other prophet is less (or more) respected than they were prior to hearing this information. However, it does mean that those who are willing to die for truth should never be prioritized lower than ANY man-made authority, law, or system. It is from those matrices from which we were initially guided to be saved and delivered.

Eternal life exists, perpetually waiting for you (all of you) to reject these false systems and step forward into your true sovereign power: the authority of Truth. This is "The Way" to escape the limits of duality and become immortal. In separation (sin), you will die in the body. In unity (truth/way/light) you will be "saved." This was His message--and so many others who were persecuted, killed, excommunicated, ostracized, falsely accused, imprisoned, or condemned to suffer for the Truth which was intended to "deliver" us from time, space, and suffering.

As a result of incorporating this perspective on Jesus' teachings in not necessarily an intolerance for Christianity, but actually a MUCH closer relationship with Jesus, Christ Consciousness, and The Word. In a sense, carrying this "light" of awareness within you is how you are "chosen" (by yourself) to live as a human "Temple of God." Recognizing the language underneath mistranslation allows you to empower yourself as a prophet of the Logos, Word, or Law.

This will empower you beyond any man's law or authority, and you will begin to transfigure yourself (physically, psychologically, and spiritually) into an immortal being. You will be able to "feed" from all of creation, witness to a language which has been buried underneath an ignorance, sold to the population in exchange for their subservience. You don't have to remove Jesus from the pedestal; you just have to climb up there with Him and realize that we all belong there. This is what it means to truly "follow" Christ (consciousness). When you ascend to that level, all of us will realize that we were with Him (and every other prophet) the entire time.

Those who have accepted these universal concepts of sovereignty have escaped the limits and boundaries of both time and space--in life and in death. These individuals' energetic "string" remnants are no longer anchored to beliefs which are magnetically (quantumly) dependent on "Earthly" concepts and beliefs. Through every prophet speaks a "strange" message--to you and from you--pleading directly to your authentic hearts to reject any ideas between absolute unification in The One and your physical existence. Anything in between these states will essentially "chain" your soul in time.


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