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Cleaning House 2: Super-String (Spring) Cleaning


If we wish to cleanse ourselves (houses) from all of our accrued subconscious programming and limiting belief systems, then we have to endure the pain of releasing them. This pain is not physical, but it will require us to face that we have been manipulated and lied to by the people we trusted the most. In fact, since most people around us have not yet reached an awakening which surmounts duality, many of them have been acting from their subconscious as social police officers to “sell” us on ideas and concepts which keep us limited inside of a spiritual class system. Though their intentions or “duties” may be well-intended, they may not recognize the impositions of will that they are placing on those they may otherwise “serve and protect.”

Nobody is innocent in this “game” that we are playing. No matter what “jewels” or “badges” we accrue in our personal “stack” of accomplishment, until we realize that until everything is “free,” we cannot be either. Existence is a proverbial treasure hunt of strings that can either connect us to the Source of all energy (Mother) or otherwise connect us to various power systems of duality that tax our emotional energy which then power the matrix prison/theme park that we live in—linear reality. These false-god/father creators can either lead us to absolute unification or they can lead us further into separation (sin), fragmentation, and compartmentalization into concrete (limitedly linear) thoughts or belief concepts.

Unfortunately, this means that there is nothing in the physical world which we can possibly give our absolute blind faith. Whatever is limited by the concept of time or space is possibly fallible. In the same way that we can attempt to shape ourselves into nonphysical energies such as unconditional love and absolute truth, we must only have faith in nonphysical concepts which cannot be polluted by impurities of the physical dimension.

Who do we trust or how do we discern what is true or not? This is, of course, is the trillion dollar question. Though the answer to this question cannot be absolute, but will invariably be subject to just as many variables and fluctuations as an open flame or the pattern of a wave. We are all shifting dimensionally at all times. If we didn't, then there would be no energy around us that we could use to power our consciousness. And so, like an alternating current generator, we must be consciously able and willing to “switch” our perspectives without either clinging or refusing our present situation.

We have to be able to breathe both fire and water; we should strive to learn how to source our energy from both positive or negative environments--without preferring one or the other. Furthermore, we should resist defining ourselves based on "who" or "what" we agree with or not. Instead, we should see ALL opinions and beliefs as part of the seesaw, both necessary to create a "game" of teams. Instead of choosing one or the other, we remove ourselves completely and maintain equanimity as the observer. This is a nonviolent revolution against lies.

Losing our composure into one side/team or the other will undoubtedly cause us to lose our balance and eventually impose our will upon others. Though we may mean well, we attempt this as a means to control others or shape them to our will. Doing this, however, will create additional karma for us. And, of course, creating karma will cause us to become more dependent on the external world for energy--keeping us anchored to lower dimensional frequencies. As a result, even while we are attempting to "clean house," we are creating additional dirt (karma) to replace that which we just cleaned.

The Wandering Minstrel

JD Stahl (06/22/2020)

I would like to sing a song of love

What I see and what I feel

Flowing through me

It’s all that is real

Sing with me, if you can see this tune

In the morning, when you wake

That joy in a new day

It’s all that it takes.

Look above you, and feel it surround you.

The angels bring a brand new spring

In your hearts

Can you feel the warmth?

It’s in your smile

Your children, your love, the simple joy

The wonder in the eyes of girls and boys?

It’s you.

I can have it, and so can you.

There’s nothing ever to lose

You don’t have to take mine

But we can share our light in time

Together, all colors, all ways.

It’s the dawning of a new day.

Sing with me. Sing of love.

In this now we all can have peace.

You can let go. You’re safe with me.

It’s not a competition

It’s a present moment mission.

If you try to compare,

You’ll never meet me there.

You won’t need to ever feel right.

When you hold your own light.

Give up the teams

And dance with me.

Everywhere you look, love awaits.

Behind the fears, behind the hate

Just hold that love You have in your soul.

The ones you protect; the ones you hold.

Come sing with me before it’s too late.

It’s the only way through the gate.

I can be me and you can be you.

They can all be them, too.

Wander in this door of love.

And let’s all rise above.


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