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Fake News and Multinational Umbrellas of Deception


To put it plainly, today's news media cannot be trusted to report truth. Sure, they may mix in a few real, unbiased stories as an attempt to appear to maintain journalistic integrity. That, unfortunately, is just “bait” that is used to manipulate people into believing that every single thing is true. Chemically, when we feel certain emotions, our brains release oxytocin. When this happens, we are significantly more susceptible to believe information that is given to us afterwards. Commercials are specifically placed in programs—right after “cliffhanger” moments—so that the audience will release oxytocin in the brain and be more susceptible to product placement and advertisements.

The biggest source of income for news channels are through sponsors or government officials. Billions of dollars are spent on promotion and funding. This makes it very easy for large corporations to create their own narratives and editorialize reports in such a way that they create confusion across multiple channels. Being that many of these channels are vertically integrated and controlled under the same umbrella of investors, the purpose of conflicting opinions is purposefully broadcast in order to create division amongst the people.

When any of us are lost in a dualistic state of mind, we are less likely to release our biases and perceive the situation from a place of balanced equanimity or clarity. Whenever we restrict our ability to use our rational decision-making skills, we will most likely cling to whatever narrative supports our preferences, investments, or otherwise passively validates our personal lifestyle choices. In this way, many people don't really want truth as much as they wish to be sided with or supported. Withdrawing from this subconscious support system presents every individual with a neurological suppression of oxytocin; the result is a symptom of anxiety, confusion, frustration, anger, or depression.

Above duality, the news serves one specific purpose: entertainment. Even though the news may have been more credible in the past, at some point we must accept the fact that things will change and eventually conform to the present environment. Many of the news narratives are boilerplate, ensuring that a consistent narrative crosses all channels. In this way, the possibility of being truthfully represented in the news when any of the stakeholders are involved is virtually impossible. Investors in the umbrella of these multinational conglomerates do not necessarily care about misinformation as much as they care about profit margins and ratings. These individuals are free from the same type of conflicts which affect the majority of the population.

Similar to the lead piping of the Roman empire, these toxic channels of bastardized truths maintain control over the media to ensure that these personal agendas and narratives are accepted by the population. If enough evidence surfaces, it is not beyond them to falsify stories, hire actors to provide false reports, or even attempt to ruin the reputation or discredit whistle-blowers. Fortunately, we see this happening more and more. As the general public becomes more aware of this, the strings are starting to show from behind the global puppet show. The only restriction that we have now is just how much are we willing to realize how far the corruption goes—and for how long it has been happening.


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