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Nikola Tesla's Ark of the Covenant (Ascension Machine)


Nikola Tesla, of course, needs little promotion when it comes to recognizing his incredible genius. Though his rare ability to invent technology may seem out of reach for most people, it is actually the result of a very specific method of vibrational ascendency. There are many ways that a human being can improve their connection to the collective unconscious (Kingdom). Tesla was able to construct certain technology which increased his vibration. His designs were divinely delivered through his various practices. One, in specific, was the credit to his genius: electricity.

Tesla used his arc reactor technology to increase his vibratory frequency. This was not a new idea, however. If you study ancient Egyptian history, you will see examples of how certain rods were charged with electric currency and inserted in the mouths of initiates, immediately increasing their body's vibration, elevating their cellular consciousness above fragmentation. At these high levels, any person would easily see correspondence between the lines of separate theories and belief systems.

The secrets of the universe are not necessarily invented, but accessed by these methods of increasing our conscious vibration. Just as one would use a compass to orient a map or find their way through the wilderness, there are similar compass-like tools that we can use to travel through patterns, ideas, and concepts so that we can “read” deeper meanings and consistencies. Considering that everything consists of energy, the primary goal would be to ensure that the information which we seek to follow is sourced from independence (not codependence). For this to be successful, of course, there can be no separation, exclusion, or prioritization.

The consistency with this concept of unification works in many different ways. The combination of all colors of the spectrum combine to form pure white light. The combination of all separate solfeggio frequency tones is associated with divinity. The combination of brain waves (between the Alpha and Omega) is associated with divine vision or 3rd eye (pineal gland) activation. These methods can all be used to help a person connect to the collective unconscious—where only truth is capable of residing inside divine patterns and consistency. The very root of the word “Christ” or “Krishna” is defined as the collection of all components, merged into one.


What Tesla was able to do through his various natural methods (fasting, natural foods, limiting exposure to social environments, esoteric and historical study, etc.) was free himself from a dominant energetic environment. This collective reality system is essentially broadcast out from every human being, as if each of us are wireless transmitters. As long as there are areas of our subconscious which have not yet been explored or discovered, those who have reached energetic states will be able to access them by either using their consciousness or through the use of technology.

In the same way, when people take hallucinogenic substances, they experience a certain “oneness” that soon dissipates as the plant or substance becomes metabolized out of their system. During these temporary elevation states of consciousness; however, we are capable of reaching a vibrational state of consciousness which overlaps unused/unconscious areas of others around us. The higher we ascend in vibration, the more we can also connect to the vibrational emissions of animals, plants, and even the Earth itself (collective unconsciousness of ionic superstrings).

This is no conspiracy or theoretical science, however. Tesla himself was capable of powering his engines for his coil reactors by pulling energy out from stratospheric ionization and even ground water charges (as liquid passes over certain rocks like limestone and granite). He learned this from ancient Egyptian methods which—if you can read the patterns contained in the hieroglyphs—will guide someone to being able to store energy in clay pot jars filled with water. These jugs act like batteries, which can either power light bulbs (also used in ancient Egypt) or other devices.

By using alternating current technology, we can source renewable energy from anywhere in the planet. Without positive or negative charges, we would not have any energy to power any biological substance. Suffice it to say, we cannot live without the “Holy Spirit,” which resides in the ionic charges of the planet—pretty much anywhere we look. This is the “dark matter” which is a necessary balancing force for the physical world to exist.

Every complete system must have positive, negative, and ground forces. For those systems to exist, there must also be the nonphysical aspect of them as well: the ether. Ether is similar to blood plasma, in that it contains charged particles which are then used to transition energy through various states. Without the invisible air in the world, sound could not travel. Therefore, we need air in order to hear anything. Without air, there could be no fire, either.

What Tesla was capable of doing was tapping into this reservoir of dark matter energy—just like the ancient Egyptians did to store power and create their own “arc” reactors—known more popularly as the “Ark of the Covenant.” The Ark of the Covenant held an arc reactor device—similar to the one which Nikola Tesla built in several different sizes. This reactor broadcast out a high frequency bandwidth signal which was powerful enough to create a reaction in the air so strong that the ions sparked into lightning.

Lightning is not necessarily “magic.” Simply put, lighting is created from ionic charges (positive cations and negative anions) attempting to balance themselves. By harnessing this lightning, Tesla was able to elevate his consciousness to such a degree that he projected his consciousness through the 4th dimension (ether, plasma, dark matter) and into the collective unconsciousness—like turning himself into a human version of the Ark of the Covenant.

In poetic terms, Tesla became a living, breathing crystal ball. Maintaining these higher vibrational states, he could "read reality" through a combination of all physical senses. Above that, he combined his 4 clair-essence senses (the four winds) to reveal the very gates which exist between the physical world and the non-physical world (Kingdom of God). The "key" to this knowledge, as Tesla said, was in the 3, 6, and 9; this is the independent energy system of consciousness, outside a world of dualism or polarity (competition).


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