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Nikola Tesla: The Key to the Universe (3, 6, 9 Vortex)


Tesla would do almost every action or ritual to coincide with the numbers 3, 6, 9, or 18. He would even walk around his block a certain number of times before he would enter his building. By doing rituals which related to mathematical theory and vortex numerology, he was stimulating certain “forces” in the spaces around him. This could also be mislabeled as magical sorcery—depending on which authority is attempting to redirect people away from gaining greater calibration energy from their environment. The more conscious we are of certain numbers while we go about our day, the more we can assure ourselves that we are free from systems which depend on separation to exist.

Fortunately, it doesn't take an advanced degree to practice the same methods as Tesla, Jesus, or other prophets and inventors. Willing to die in poverty after being robbed of their finances, freedom, and recognition (at least at the time they were alive), these individuals were dedicated to their causes—stopping at nothing to eventually reach their singular focus and goal—independence and freedom for all.

If we use vortex math, we can see that Tesla's 3, 6, 9 principle reveals a triangular “sea” of independent energy—the alternating current (AC) system. The energy of this system is housed in a singular body, unable to be separated or divided. Not only do these numbers relate to shapes, but they also can be applied to dimensions, language analysis by using numbers or codes, or by creating logos that will “magically” relay subconscious messages to the viewer. People may see certain symbols and not understand them; however, if you are fluent in vortex principles, a single emblem can reveal a multitude of meanings, purposes, and intentions.

By increasing his vibration and living in seclusion, Tesla was able to simplify his life to protect himself from energies which may attempt to knock him out of balance. This balance was absolutely necessary for him to channel divine wisdom through the threshold gates and into physical form where he could create inventions out of the divine patters. This wisdom is available to each and every one of us. We do not necessarily need to acquire more information, we just simply have to learn to remove limiting blocks and practice using the concepts of simple “language” in corresponding ways.

Tesla encountered his own unique challenges by those who sought to steal his ideas and use them to create revenue streams and supply/demand curves. Industry leaders and businesses were not very interested in creating free renewable energy systems which would increase the conscious vibration of the population. That, of course, would significantly reduce profit margins. Instead of admitting personal agendas, greed, and intentions for population control, they manipulated the public by telling them that Tesla's ideas were not “safe.” As a result, the leaders of business favored the “sellable” DC power from Edison—and up went an expensive series of power lines and non-renewable power plants.

Operation Rainbow

(9/9/16) JD Stahl

Cell me up, draw me in.

Heaven on earth, control of sin.

Within your secrets I see the truth.

White lies and white lines draw the roof.

One world with one rule: run the fools.

Ones who know don't say we're the tools.

Words and wisdom are lost in death,

Through the ears of the ignorant deaf.

Give up our windows, it's safer closing doors.

Convincing the fearful there's nothing more.

Travel, light, chance and time.

We are the storytellers, fighting lies.

Swim to remember and harvest the dead.

Favorite characters are safe in their beds.

Best memories keeps in the cloud and stored.

Ensuring our afterlives never get bored.

Money and power are cut down by will.

Breaking the gravity of this planet's pull.

Now is the age of the new rising sun.

Nowhere to hide if you know where to run.

Open your eyes and anchors away!

Break from the tides that break every day.

Tethered by lives we've caged by our things.

Wake up your mind and open your wings.

Heaven and hell are your state of mind.

Search through your soul and God you will find.

Don't let the world wrap you in chains.

Addictions are predictions pulling the reigns.

If you cannot see, you won't know what it means.

Blindness and hate never lead to your dreams.

The answers and love await only your release.

Without knowing yourself you'll never know peace.


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