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Poisoning the Population 2: The Oil Companies vs. Clair Patterson


Another good example of purposefully poisoning the population with lead occurred back in 1970. The primary offenders in this case were the oil companies. Until 1986, the United States sold leaded gas. Before this time, oil companies added lead to the fuel, claiming that it was an “anti-knock” agent that supposedly protected engines from wear. Unfortunately, the entire time that the fuel was being burnt up in the engine it was releasing toxic fumes in the air. It wasn't until a geologist named Clair Patterson was researching the true age of the planet that he made a discovery.

Clair Patterson was a geochemist who pinpointed Earth's age for the first time and also uncovered a secret: Lead contamination is a major and potentially deadly problem. While studying a uranium-lead compound to measure it's age and determine the planet's actual age (by studying aging in radioactive zircons), he soon realized that all of his research was compromised by the air around him. In order to be able to complete his research study, Clair Patterson had to create the very first “clean room.” When he did more research on lead pollution, he found that the only place which was not affected was deep in the ocean water or in layers of ice which existed many decades ago.

After Patterson completed his research and successfully discovered the actual age of the Earth (4.6 billion years), he went on to further his research to determine the toxicity of the air from lead contamination and pollution. Unfortunately, as soon as he started seeking a truth that challenged the oil companies, his funding was removed immediately by those companies which were beneficiaries or stakeholders.

Fortunately, this didn't stop Patterson from his truth-seeking. After many threats on his life, reputation, job, and family he endured. Fortunately for all of us, he was able to prove to a court of law that his research proved beyond any doubt that lead was toxic to humans. Not only that, but he was able to prove that the reason the lead was present in the environment to the present levels were associated directly to the oil companies.

The entire time that he did his research and presented his results to court officials and government representatives, he was fought. The oil companies spent millions of dollars on legal defense and purchased “lead professionals” in the science community to corroborate the agendas of those who were financially involved. It just goes to show that doctors, lawyers, scientists, and other highly-accredited individuals are frequency subject to the sale of their own truth at the cost of the lives of the population. Fortunately, Patterson won his case and the oil companies were forced to remove the lead from the gasoline.

Next: Poisoning the Population 3: Cancer Cows


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