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WELCOME TO EXODUS: The Keys to the "Kingdom" of Higher Consciousness

I have created this page to provide instructions which will guide you to a higher state of consciousness. Though this energetic state has been named many things (such as the Kingdom of God), I wish to convey these teachings in a manner which is not limited to any specific religion or philosophical belief.

Though I will do my best to speak simply and plainly, there are times when my speech may seem technical or even overly informal. As my consciousness transcends through the various planes of reality, the energy of creation speaks through in many different "tongues." And so, I not only tell my story, but I also provide examples of song lyrics, movie lines, philosophical quotes, mathematical theory, and scientific standards which will reveal the synchronistic interdependence which is inherent in all of creation.

If, however, I do say something which does not make much sense to you, please let me know. I am aware that we are all unique and that our "languages" are subject to our personal experiences and present archetypal "framing." For the same reason, the concept of "unconditional love" and "God's Will" were basic concepts which were expounded upon in lengthy religious texts.

I will attempt to start simply by explaining the source of our nonphysical consciousness, so that you can better understand where/when I have come in order to teach you this language--the "Key" to the proverbial Kingdom (Satya Yuga, New Land, Paradise, Zion, Babylon, etc.).

I am aware these claims may sound somewhat "extreme" to those who do not believe in either linear reincarnation or "the resurrection." However, I speak in this authority because it was the manner in which my journey was spoken to (and through) me.

The things I will reveal to you are intended to reveal the secret "Easter Eggs" behind all human creations. These secrets will allow each of us to "map" the nonphysical construct of energy by using our own subjective experiences. Though the "Kingdom" is the same sea of energy, each of us gets to design it based on our own personal perception--using our own intuitive imagery (vision).


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