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What is Consciousness?

There are many attempts to define what constitutes non-physical consciousness. Unfortunately, trying to describe that which many have no prior experiences is tantamount to describing a color which has never been seen before. And so, in order to help understand the non-physical world, we can use a corresponding theory about the physical world: gravity.

It was once said that Newton "discovered" gravity when an apple fell from a tree and landed on his head. Though this may seem like an oversimplification, it is no different than that of how each of us can understand consciousness. Occasionally, certain ideas, premonitions, or moments of inspiration also "fall" upon us from somewhere above us. Though we cannot physically "see" these energies as they happen (fall) upon us, it does not prevent us from experiencing them.

Gravity is created in the subatomic structure of matter--in quarks. There are 6 "flavors" of quarks which are arranged in groups of 3 (and occasionally 4). These smaller groups are what end up forming basic atomic components like protons, neutrons, and electrons (positive, ground, and negative, respectively). The 6 quark variants are different "weights." Simply, the pull of gravity is caused by a certain arrangement of quarks, which will then attract each other and form a collective "mass." The larger this mass, the greater the "pull" of attraction from most other collections of physical matter. The greater this mass, the more electromagnetism is attributed to it. This is the basic idea of what gravity is, at least in terms of collective mass.

Consciousness is the nonphysical counterpart to this corresponding theory. Though we cannot use our physical senses to experience energy of certain quark arrangements, it exists. Physical matter (like in an atom) maintains a much smaller amount of "space" than the non-physical energy. Similarly, between each and every planet in the solar system, there is a great distance between, though all are still connected by their orbital attraction.

Between all matter is the nonphysical (dark matter) of ionic charges and "strings" which are necessary raw materials for the physical world. This invisible "dark matter" consists of quark arrangements which do not exist in the physical vibratory spectrum. Therefore, we cannot experience them with our 5 physical senses. In addition to that, we can also walk through them--but only because their vibration is so different ("strange" or "alien") in comparison to the physical world.

Behind the construct of the physical world (spacetime) is the language of energy, collected in patterns. These patterns shape the nonphysical "Kingdom," which is all around us--at all times. This "New Land" is not made of land or sea; it is the collection of invisible "strings." These "strings" group together when we engage our internal electromagnetism (though, emotion, focus, attention, awareness, etc.). Essentially, we can create "islands" of ideas simply by imagining them and channeling belief. The less doubt we have about these ideas, the more they exist (in the nonphysical sense).

Religions, philosophies, and belief systems are all "islands" of superstrings, collected by any individual who has ever engaged their conscious mind upon them. In this way, our collective beliefs (without doubt or paradoxical inconsistency) is what will posture certain truths above (or below) others--at least in terms of vibration. The good thing about this is that in order for an idea to dominate others, there can be no fragmentation, separation, or derivation. To call Truth "a religion" would be like attempting to call a child the parent. And so, Truth cannot be undermined by categorization.

I have come to reveal Truth in all things--that which it cannot be denied, categorized, compartmentalized, or otherwise limited by label or subjugation. No matter what any of us believe, none can outthink or out-believe gravity either--regardless of what book or false translation may attempt to convey. For this reason, what I reveal is not dependent upon belief whatsoever. In fact, the more that individuals reject it, the more it reveals Truth which cannot be ignored. The "pull" of collective Truth from Source/God/All/Law can only be negotiated with attempts to balance it within--it cannot be disproven, denied, or rejected. Engaging your belief will allow you to connect to this "will." If you choose to deny, then you will be subject TO it, regardless of whether you believe or not. This is the Law; the energy which will endure forever. This is consciousness.


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